Quartus Prime Pro High End Features

Course Objectives

This course provides all practical know-how needed to start designing with Quartus Prime Pro edition.
The course starts with features comparison between the Standard and Pro editions and how to migrate from one to the other.
The course continues by introducing the Interface Planner tool and how to use it efficiently in complex designs.
The second day introduces the Platform Designer, incremental optimization, and block-based design.
Then Timing Analyzer tool introduced to write SDC files and analyze timing.The course ends with scripting methods to automate design tasks and processes.
The training embeds 50% practical labs that covers the theory.

General Information


  • Quartus Prime Standard
  • FPGA Design

Duration & Attendance

2 days

Target Audience

Digital hardware engineers and FPGA team leaders, who would like migrate to Quartus Pro and/or using Arria 10/Stratix 10 FPGAs

Additional Information

Teaching Methods & Tools

  • Intel official course book
  • Course labs handbook 
  • Quartus Prime Pro